About the Author

I'm Jenni and I'm the only person that runs this blog. I get bored easily.


My WoW-journey began in December of 2008 when my younger brother was recruited to the game by his friend. My first toon was a Forsaken Warlock and I've always had a penchant for Forsaken/Scourge lore. By that January I was sucked in by the lore and the detailed world that the game takes place in. I started out mainly playing Alliance, rolled Horde in early 2009 and never looked back - until the Shattering. Since I've made an effort to experience both sides of the game.

I was never very interested in hardcore raiding or PvP, but I do partake in the odd heroic dungeon in between achievement/title/pet/mount collecting. Lore and an almost never-ending game keep me coming back day after day. I love Forsaken/Scourge lore, lore involving both elves, lore involving the Tauren and lore involving the Old Gods. My favorite character is Tirion Fordring.

I like blowing things up at a distance, so I play a Blood Elf Mage most of the time.


I'm a high school student with a fair amount of free time on her hands. I enjoy writing, music, nerdy British sci-fi TV shows involving time travel and doing anything associated with those three things with my friends. I live in the Midwestern United States, where there are only two seasons: winter and road construction. I'm interested in psychology and literature and am always ready and willing to learn new things.

I apologise for the bad grammar/spelling/writing/etc., this is the first time I've been writing a lot in a setting that was not strictly casual.

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