About Wrath & Faerie Fire

Wrath & Faerie Fire is a blog of my journey through the new-and-improved Azeroth through the eyes of two druid alts.

Throughout the journey I will compare the quests, lore and general leveling atmosphere between the Horde and Alliance of Kalimdor. I might blog about the storylines and how they intersect and contrast, I might blog about an interesting group I had the pleasure of running Zul'Farrak with. I might also do a little a fair amount A LOT of role play through the eyes of my characters. I don't really know. The future is an exciting mystery to me.
Why are you doing this blog?

A few reasons:

1. Because I can.
2. I've always wanted a druid and I've been needing some alts for professions/farming.
3. I haven't gotten to see much of the New Old Azeroth. I'm a HUGE lore nerd, so I'm very excited.
4. I'm a huge fan of blogs where people chronicle their toon's journey, and I've always wanted to try it.
5. I'm going to have a lot of free time this upcoming summer.
6. I enjoy creative writing. As I level, I role play internally and I figured "What the hell? Why not just write some of it down?"
7. I'm a huge nerd.

This blog is going to be an incentive for me to keep going, even when the leveling gets boring, or I just want to delete the character and play on my main. Even if I'm the only reading it, it'll be for me or me-in-the-future. I'm not worried about followers or any of that noise. I just want to write and have fun. :)

Okay. So, what about the toons?

This blog follows two alts.

The first alt is Errol, a Night Elf Druid on the realm Medivh (US).

The second alt is Hypocritic, a Troll Druid on the realm Ghostlands (US).

Both druids are going to be leveling Balance, as I'm a huge fan of caster classes. They will not be leveling with professions. Both have access to Fast Track. Hypocritic owns an heirloom staff. They will be leveling with a mix of questing and dungeoning.