Sunday, May 15, 2011

Level 5 - Starting Zones, Moonfire and ZUNI! NOOO!

 First real post now. Let's get down to business!


Both toons were created Friday night. Errol is female and is currently sporting an incredibly ugly braid (I'll hope to have screenshots of them a little later). I think I'll have to make a special trip over to Stormwind and back in order to change her hairstyle. A little off course, but I don't think I can stare at green braids until she gets some sort of prime-time (aka Boomkin) shapeshift ability.

Hypocritic (or Hyp, if you're lazy like me) is looking pretty snazzy himself. I'm not really sure about which hair color matches with which pelt-color for Trolls, so I'm going to have to experiment when I get to Orgrimmar.

I'm really quite excited. I've played female Night Elves before (Vespor, a priest who I regret deleting and Probability, a mage who I'm probably not going to regret deleting in the near future), but I've never played a Troll, despite always wanting to. Also, I've never had a male toon at a decent level.

Levels 1-5

 Night Elves start out in Shadowglen, like they always have. Tbh, the leveling here is sort of bland. You don't get pitted against anything super big and fantastic and nothing huge happens.

The few things of note are very small, including two conversations between NPCs (one expressing suspicion about Malfurion's return and Staghelm's disappearance, and one making it clear that your character is needed on the frontlines) and the fact that you get a Dryad to help you out in the cave with all the spiders. Some may say that it made things to "easy", but for me it was a pleasant surprise.

 If this was a competition, the Troll starting zone would win, hands down. As a young troll you start out by being ushered off to your trainer immediately. I enjoyed being trained by Zen'Tabra, the kickass Troll lady we met during Zalazane's Fall. After your short training, you're sent to do menial work and then you meet Vol'jin!

Oh, Vol'jin. How I love you. <3

Anyway, you get to see a small cutscene of sorts where Vol'jin and Garrosh are arguing. I'm sure you've all seen it, and I had too at this point, but it still didn't make things any less epic. You get sent to kill some Naga, and then you join Vol'jin and some other lady in facing the Sea Witch herself!

Throughout the zone there is warrior/shaman type NPC by the name of Zuni. Zuni treats your toon like their very good friends. He pops up every once in awhile to tease you, heal you when you accidentally pull eight naga and help you kill the extras after you're topped off. He's even fully voice acted! Zuni is also there when you face the Sea Witch. After a long and rather epic battle, Zuni dies.


With the Sea Witch defeated, you get to see another cut scene of Vol'jin and Thrall talking, and then you get sent rather unceremoniously to Sen'jin Village. If I have one complaint about the Echo Isles, it's that it ends rather abruptly, imo. Overall it was a fun and epic zone that really shows the quality of questing in Cataclysm in my limited experience.

Looking Ahead

I plan on leveling these two during the summer for the most part, but it doesn't hurt getting everything off the ground now. My main goal is getting both to 85 before I return to school on September 7th. With the speed of leveling these days, this shouldn't be a problem in theory but social events, etc. do come before WoW for me and I've got two other toons I'm working on.

My goals for the rest of May (I have sixteen days) include continuing to gear up my main (she's ilvl 344 because I'm a lazy asshole, I get bored and I had WoW burnout for the better part of early 2011) and getting my Hunter to level 55. For my dueling alts, I'm hoping to have them both at 15 before May 31st.

I'm off to work on them right now. I'll try to get some screenshots, etc.

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