Monday, June 6, 2011

Thoughts On Speccing And Goals

I'm contemplating respeccing Errol over to feral, so she can level as a kitty.

I attempted a Deadmines run earlier this morning and it didn't go so well, me being the last on the dps charts. I am unsure about what happened. I was kicking ass on Hypo in Ragefire Chasm and I know my rotation was fine. I was in the group with a rogue, a frost mage, a paladin tank and a ret pally who had entered the queue as a healer. Maybe it was the group make up?


I know low-level dps does not matter, but it always makes me uneasy when I'm low on the charts and I've never been last before. Luckily, the new talent trees allow you level with whatever you want and a Druid has a lot of choices.

Tanking is out of the question. I've never tanked before and I wouldn't know the first thing about it. Although I've never looking into bear thanking, I'm under the impression that it's less than stellar at the moment as well.

Healing is a possibility. I already have the gear for it (although at such a low level, gear would be easy to replace) and I've healed before. As a priest. Up until level 30. I'd be willing to try it, but I'm also unsure.

Feral combat, or kitty form is another interesting bet. My first toon was a rogue, and although I'm not comfortable with melee, I'd be willing to learn. I'm unsure if cats are in a good position at the moment, though.

I could, as always, stick with Balance. I know I'd like to level Balance on at least one of the toons and I have the heirlooms. Maybe such a dark place will be gone as time moves on?

Also, I have some goals for the end of June.

On my main, Haunts, I'd like to acquire a netherdrake, get the explorer title and finish the Midsummer Fire Festival meta. I'd like to get my hunter to Outland, and maybe even Northrend. I'd like to get Errol and Hypocritic to level 45.

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